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N2 : Network of the EU Deep Underground Laboratories 



The DUSL* N2 networking activity is designed to implement a mechanism for the joint structuring and co-ordination of the four underground laboratories, with the overall objective being to provide a better service to users with more efficient use of resources.



• Provision of higher quality environments and operational support to users, via    coordination of site assignment and cooperation on basic equipment, technical and logistic support, access and communication,

• Improved health and safety, via exchange of best practice experience and   progress to a common approach on safety procedures specific to   underground sites, and

• Improve scientific coordination and communications to the public, through   cooperation on communication initiatives.

  The new structures envisaged to handle the above objectives will need to   cross-link with other networking activities and JRAs in particular N3, N4, N6,   JRA1 and JRA2.



WG Title Short description and specific objectives







Performance improvement and possible extensions of the deep underground laboratories

A cross-site planning is needed in order to ensure maximum operational efficiency, best use of space, and better matching of experiment environment.

Objectives :
• Improve the quality of service provided to the users of the different   experiments by existing underground space at the sites (e.g.   environment, equipment, technical support, logistics and operation).
• Design strategies for co-ordination of possible new extensions   of the present infrastructures and gain maximum benefit from the   complementary characteristics of the different sites.







Safety problems and accident prevention in underground sites

Optimal safety conditions are of primary importance in underground sites hosting a great variety of experimental installations. Consistent and clear procedures for health and safety across the sites and improved solutions to safety problems are crucial issues in the Underground Labs.

Objectives :
• To share experience acquired in health and safety issues in each    laboratory and improve the relevant procedures.








Scientific Coordination and Public Communication

Various aspects of “inreach” and “outreach” need special effort in order to share with the scientific community the findings in the Deep Underground Labs and to improve the awareness of the general public.

Objectives :
• Stimulate co-ordination and promotion of Underground Science within   the field across all the sites.
• Improve the quality of public communication of Underground Science   activities to citizens by exploiting together best practices in the field.


N2 : Réseau des Laboratoires Souterrains Européens



L'activité de réseau N2 de DUSL* est conçu pour mettre en application un mécanisme de structure en commun et de coordination des quatre laboratoires souterrains, avec comme objectif global de fournir un meilleur service aux utilisateurs et une utilisation plus efficace des ressources.



• fournir des environnements de haute qualité et un soutien opérationnel aux utilisateurs, par l'intermédiaire de la coordination sur site et de la coopération sur l'équipement de base, l'appui technique et logistique, l'accès et la communication,


 Améliorer la sécurité, par l'intermédiaire d'échanges d'expérience et progresser vers une approche commune sur des procédures spécifiques de sécurité dans les lieux souterrains.


• Améliorer la coordination et la communication scientifiques vers le public, par la coopération sur des initiatives de communication.




* DUSL : Deep Underground Science Laboratories (Laboratoires scientifiques souterrains)

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Description & Objectives







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